For Those About to Read

For Those About to Read

I love books, obviously. I enjoy a variety of different genres. Ghost stories, romances, and everything in between!



Consolation Review
Consolation (The Consolation Duet, #1)Consolation by Corinne Michaels
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Copyright Night Owl Reviews.

Consolation hits you with the heartbreak right from the start. It's the story of a SEAL wife dealing with loss, finding acceptance, and experiencing love again. There were moments when I didn't feel as pulled into the story as I would like, but there were also times when it was absolutely magnetic!

To see my full review, please click the link below:

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Lost in Tennessee Review
Lost in Tennessee (Lost, #1)Lost in Tennessee by Anita DeVito
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

ARC provided through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Lost in Tennessee starts out with all the country charm of Sweet Home Alabama, then quickly turns into a mystery. One, that if it's not solved quickly, could mean big trouble for Kate Riley because she has become completely enamored with Butch McCormick and he's the one constant in everything taking place around them.

Kate, an architect from Michigan, is in Tennessee working on a project when she gets lost. She stops to ask for directions, having no clue the man she is talking to is the country star Butch McCormick. Kate doesn't believe in love at first sight, but when she takes a wrong turn and ends up back at Butch's house with a flat tire, love at second sight, might not be so hard to accept.

Butch decides to come back home to rest before his upcoming tour. He also just filed for divorce from his third wife. Women should be the last thing on his mind at the moment, but when a fiery red head happens upon his farm looking for directions, he can't stop thinking about her. He convinces her to stay at his place while her 1966 Shelby Mustang is getting repaired. The more time he spends with her, the more he realizes, he doesn't want her going anywhere.

When I started reading this book, I kept hearing the narrative in my head as Waylon Jennings in the Dukes of Hazzard. Don't ask me why. It could have been the country theme, I don't know. It's just the way my brain works. :)

I'm normally not a fan when the characters fall in love too fast, but I didn't have a problem with it when it came to Kate and Butch. Their relationship was inevitable. She put a light in his eyes that only burned for her. Also, the easy banter between all the characters was a nice comedic relief.

The mystery aspect was a bit predictable, but it didn't take away from the story. There were even a couple of times when I thought maybe I was wrong. However, I did stick to my reasoning and turned out, I was right! Even though I knew who was causing the incidents, my chest still tightened with the suspense of the final scene where the person was revealed.

Lost in Tennessee is a book I would recommend to anyone who loves romance or mystery.

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Gallows Hill by Lois Duncan
Gallows HillGallows Hill by Lois Duncan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

After realizing the TV movie I've Been Waiting For You was based on a book, I knew I had to get my hands on it. I remember watching the movie when it aired somewhere around '97 and I enjoyed it. However, after reading Gallows Hill, I was a little disappointed in the fact that the movie didn't stick to the original story. It was completely different from what I was expecting and that's not a bad thing.

I liked that fact that there were more scenes in the book involving the Salem witches. Lois Duncan even provides us with a few book titles to look up for further reading on the real Salem Witch Trials. This book provided more information into why Sarah Zoltanne moved from California in the first place. I also liked the addition of her friend Charlie, it made the tale more interesting.

This is a YA classic. Easily read and enjoyable. If you're looking for something to read for Halloween that has just a touch of creepiness, I would suggest Gallows Hill.

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Everything I Left Unsaid--Available Now


Everything I Left Unsaid (Everything I Left Unsaid, #1)Everything I Left Unsaid by Molly O'Keefe
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

4.5 Stars

ARC provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

When the bad stuff was over, there was something good waiting for me.

Wow, I loved the idea of this book! Annie answered a cell phone that wasn't hers and began speaking to her destiny. His name is Dylan. She told him her name was Layla because she's running from an unspeakable situation. He wanted her to watch Ben, the old man two trailers over from her, without giving her a reason. They both held secrets, they both felt an instant connection, and they both thought they could handle the game they were playing without ever seeing each other.

This is the first time I've read anything by Molly O'Keefe and it was awesome! She is a skillful writer, who had me hooked quickly. I always enjoy when books mention places I've been before. In this case, Annie is hiding out in an outskirt of Cherokee, NC. Having been there before, it was like re-living a memory.

Annie's optimism after escaping a harrowing situation was one of the things I liked about her. Although there was always a little bit of doubt, she was trying her best to be brave and become a new person. I loved the fact that Dylan really pushed her, finding out how far she would go, all the while, helping her grow. Helping her decide what she wants for herself.

One of my favorite parts was when she found Fifty Shades of Grey at the library. It was such a short and simple scene but it had me laughing out loud. Let me just say...that book literally changed Annie's life. No lie.

Oh, and be prepared, there is a cliffhanger! I had a feeling something like that was going to happen. As soon as Tiffany apologized to her I knew what was waiting for Annie. Um...I really need to read the second book!

Highly recommended!

**Quotes are subject to change in the final copy.

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Here is Molly O'Keefe's playlist for Everything I Left Unsaid and her reason for each song:
Playlist for Everything I Left Unsaid…

Florence and The Machine – What Kind Of Man.
And with one kiss
You inspired a fire of devotion
That lasted for twenty years
What kind of man loves like this?
The music of Florence and The Machine is like my spirit animal. I wish I could write something so perfectly sexy and broken and personal and smart, popular and totally outside the box at the same time. I love love love this music. And this song fits Annie’s utter dumbstruck and perhaps ill-fated fascination with the man on the other end of the phone…

July Talk – Summer Dress
Yea but this is life we're living
Life ain't always 'bout forgiving
She's my lady in a summer dress
This is life we're living
Life ain't always bout forgiving

July Talk is my new obsession at the moment. They are a Canadian band with a really signature sound. Lots of songs of anger and devotion and obsession could have fit with Everything I Left Unsaid, but I love this song and the singer/characters obsession with NOT forgiving. Totally fits Dylan.

Cake – The DIstance

Reluctantly crouched at the starting line,
Engines pumping and thumping in time.
The green light flashes, the flags go up.
Churning and burning, they yearn for the cup.
They deftly maneuver and muscle for rank,
Fuel burning fast on an empty tank.
Reckless and wild, they pour through the turns.
Their prowess is potent and secretly stearn.
As they speed through the finish, the flags go down.
The fans get up and they get out of town.
The arena is empty except for one man,
Still driving and striving as fast as he can.
Well, first of all who doesn’t love Cake! And second of all – it’s a song about a driven race car driver! My main character Dylan was a driven race car driver until everything fell apart.

Maroon 5 - - Animals
So if I run it's not enough
You're still in my head forever stuck
So you can do what you wanna do
I love your lies, I'll eat 'em up
But don't deny the animal
That comes alive when I'm inside you

One of the sexiest songs sung by one of the sexiest men in the world – this was one of the first songs on my playlist. It’s just. So. Sexy.

Imagine Dragons – Shots (the acoustic version!)
I'm sorry for everything
Oh, everything I've done
From the second that I was born it seems I had a loaded gun
And then I shot, shot, shot a hole through everything I loved
Oh, I shot, shot, shot a hole through every single thing that I loved

I heard the acoustic version of this song first and it shattered me. The lyrics, the harmonies – it’s just amazing. Then I heard the poppy arrangement and it was like a completely different song, so I’m pretending that version doesn’t exist. It’s all acoustic heartbreak for me. Imagine Dragons is one of those bands that write and sing about obsession and heartbreak and darkness and redemption in a way that just speak to me. I could use a dozen Imagine Dragon songs on every play list – but this one totally suits Dylan.

Coleman Hell – 2 Heads
I turn to you, you’re all I see
Our love’s a monster with 2 Heads and one heartbeat
We just got caught up in the moment
Why don’t you call me in the morning instead
Before we turn into a monster
Before we turn into a monster with 2 Heads

I love everything about this song. The dance beat with a banjo?! Perfection. But the lyric is what kills me most – this song is all about Dylan pushing Annie away when she confesses she wants more of him.
Metric – Lie Lie Lie

Baby, you'll be safe with me
Rage against the dying of the light
Holding up a tattered dream
Rage against the dying, rage against the dying of the light
Another great Canadian band – this song is fascinating. An anthem against changing with fame or popularity. Which doesn’t fit with my book – but I just love that lyric…

Rachel Platten – Fight Song
Like how a single word
Can make a heart open
I might only have one match
But I can make an explosion
My kids are totally obsessed with this song. I hear it in my sleep and it’s a great song that encapsulates Annie’s journey.


Touching Fate by Brenda Drake
Touching Fate (The Fated #1)Touching Fate by Brenda Drake
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

ARC provided through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

The premise for Touching Fate was what drew me in. It was different and had the foundation of a good story. It took a while for me to get into this book and I'm sorry to say I was never fully taken by it. However, I didn't feel as if it were a waste of time, there was an even balance of pros and cons.

There were a few really good scenes, but I think the writing style was probably the culprit...the reason I didn't absolutely love this book. The idea of the fate changer was awesome. I liked the way they incorporated the tarot cards into the story.

Reese, Jan, and Lars were from Holland, but I never thought of them that way. Henri was the only one from England but I kept thinking the others were too because they used a lot of British phrases. Of course maybe the Dutch do talk that way when speaking in English. I was just never convinced of their heritage.

I also felt that Reese's birthday scene was a little too elaborate. I'm not talking about the party itself, but the whole scheme involving Aster. I'm pretty sure she could have just told him what she discovered and he would have agreed instantly. The problem is that I was looking at things too logically.

My favorite part, though, was when Reese wrote Aster a farewell letter. It was a very old-fashioned, yet romantic gesture. It proved that although he got close to Aster because of his curse, she had took him by surprise and he had developed real feelings for her.

Take a page from my book and don't over think things too much if you decide to read this. It is different and I would recommend it, especially to the target audience and fans of YA.

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Filthy Rich by Virna DePaul
Filthy RichFilthy Rich by Virna DePaul
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

ARC provided through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

This book gives a whole new meaning to the saying “In order to be filthy rich, you have to get a little dirty.”

Yes, Filthy Rich can be compared to Fifty Shades of Grey, but I'm not going to do that. It's hard not to compare them, but this story stands on its own. You get a little bit of romance, a little bit of mystery, and a little bit of an adrenaline rush when everything plays out.

Cara is probably the hardest working analyst on Wall Street. She supports not only herself, but her brother and mother as well. She attends a work related party thrown by a client of Dubois & Mellan. Realizing how much of a jerk her date is and how much she would rather be anywhere else, she decides to mosey around a bit. She finds herself upstairs, lying down on a couch in an empty room. What feels like only seconds later, she wakes when a stranger touches her face. A very sexy stranger. The connection is so strong between them, they end up in a heated kiss. He doesn't even know her name, but she knows his, Branden Duke, and it's a name that she won't soon forget.

This story will keep you on your toes, trying to figure out who the miscreant is. I guessed at it a couple of times but ended up being wrong. I was taken by surprise when all was revealed. After reading so many books, being surprised is a rare occurrence. I have to applaud the author for that.

Iris was a great supporting character and I am hoping she gets her own book. She is the opposite of Cara, but they fit so well together as best friends.

I was disappointed, however, that Cara didn't get her revenge on the man who wrecked her life when she was younger. This book ends with an HEA, but I am hoping there will be more to this story. Recommended, if you want something a little different than the normal billionaire romance.

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Seize the Night
Seize the Night: New Tales of Vampiric TerrorSeize the Night: New Tales of Vampiric Terror by Christopher Golden
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

ARC provided through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

Seize the Night is all about the vampires, but you won't find any Edward Cullen's in this anthology. These authors have taken the blood-thirsty fiends and reshaped them. They have come up with new vampire tales that will leave you in awe of their creativity.

In this collection, you will find everything from blood-sucking books (I know it sounds odd, but I really enjoyed it) to the vampire apocalypse. Sherrilyn Kenyon's story was probably my favorite. It's also the shortest and reminiscent of a Goosebumps episode. This short story is the first I've read by her. Although I keep meaning to read her Dark Hunter series that's being adapted for both film and TV.

There's not much else I can say about this book, except that if you like vampires, you should read it. Halloween is approaching and it could give you that little scare to get you in the holiday mood. Recommended!

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Night Owl Reviews Hallowpalooza Web Hunt 2015

Night Owl Reviews is hosting a Hallowpalooza Booklover Web Hunt! The hunt starts on October 1st and there will be 113 Gift Card Winners! Here's the link if you want to get in on the fun:


Dead Man's Kiss --Jennifer Bray-Weber
Dead Man's Kiss (Romancing the Pirate #5)Dead Man's Kiss by Jennifer Bray-Weber
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Thanks to Jennifer Bray-Weber for providing me with this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

The Rissa sails again in the latest installment of the Romancing the Pirate series. Dead Man's Kiss is the fifth book, but can be read as a standalone (as long as you don't mind a couple of small spoilers from the previous books).

This is the second book I've read in the series and I'm amazed at how much I get caught up in this adventurous world. Jennifer Bray-Weber's descriptive writing drew me in so far that when I had to put down my Kindle (and get back to work) I experienced a twinge of disappointment because it felt as if I were leaving the Caribbean.

There wasn't a dull moment to be found with Captain Barone fighting for his ship, his crew, and the woman he needs to keep safe in order to prevent his band of swashbuckling pirates, and himself, from a hanging death. He tries to thwart Catalina's advances, because the lives of his crew are on the line, but Catalina is strong-willed and always gets what she wants.

Henri is probably my favorite secondary character. He is a loyal friend who is not afraid to knock the captain down a couple of notches when he selfishly get himself into situations that could cause him to place the men he leads in danger. I enjoyed the tension between Henri and Nalda as well. They seem to be cut from the same cloth.

If you're in the mood for a historical romance with an audacious, yet suave, pirate and a Spanish fire cracker of a woman (with brains), then grab this one. I'm sure you won't be disappointed.

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Screwed ~ Kendall Ryan
ScrewedScrewed by Kendall Ryan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Thanks to Kendall Ryan for providing me with this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Yet another enjoyable romance from Kendall Ryan. Ms. Ryan is quickly making her way up the list of my favorite authors. Her writing flows along smoothly and her characters could easily be someone you pass on the street. (In L.A., where the story takes place anyway.)

Just so you don't make the same mistake I did, let me tell you that this book is not part of the Dom series. I was probably halfway through it when I realized that.

Oliver is being warned by his best friend and business partner, Hudson, to stay away from the tenants in the buildings they own. His playboy ways has caused women to threaten them with lawsuits. He agrees to stay away, while watching the new tenant with interest as she shows the movers where to place her things. He tells himself, and Hudson, that he will just become friends with her. Which he does, but that's not where their relationship will stop.

Emery was already informed about Hayden (Oliver) by Roxy, but when he suggests showing her around town and maybe doing something as friends, she says why not? That's how Hayden ended up in a yoga class with her. She relishes the time spent with him and after meeting his family, it doesn't take her long to realize there may be more than friendship at play.

Describing this book as a romantic comedy is right! There were a couple of situations that had me cracking up, but there was also a serious issue added in which explains why Hayden feels the way he does about women.

I almost wish Hayden would have really put Emery's boss in his place. I know...sometimes all it takes is seeing a well-muscled boyfriend to put some fear in someone, but the boss really deserved to get some teeth knocked out!

Screwed would be a good addition to any Contemporary/Rom Com fan's bookshelf.

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Lead Me Not (Twisted Love, #1)Lead Me Not by A. Meredith Walters
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

As I'm writing this review, I'm listening to Hoobastank's The Reason. This song reminds me so much of Aubrey and Maxx's relationship. Here's the link if you want to check it out:

Love was insanity at its most beautiful...

Aubrey is on the road to becoming a counselor. After a tragedy that struck her family a couple of years earlier, she decided that she wants to help people. As part of the program, she is going to be a co-facilitator for a substance abuse group. This is where she meets cool, confident Maxx, but Aubrey can see glimpses of the man he really is underneath the facade.

Aubrey feels an undeniable connection to Maxx. Whether it's the fact that she knows he needs helps if he is to survive, or the tremendous amount of guilt that she carries around after the death of her sister. Her logic, at first, is that she wasn't there for Jayme, so she will be there for Maxx. But then he starts to show her a side of himself that no one else is privy to, except maybe his baby brother Landon. When feelings start to enter the picture, and Aubrey starts to realize that she is quite possibly in love with him, they begin a difficult relationship that could ruin everything for them both.

I'm not going to lie, this book was a little difficult to conquer with Maxx's drug abuse. I kept asking myself why Aubrey kept putting up with his crap, but sometimes all it takes is someone sticking by you, and she knew what she was getting into before she made the leap. I was still very interested in their story and found myself hoping that Maxx will make the right decisions.

It was pretty obvious who X was from the very first mention of his name. He is an amazing artist, who has art galleries vying for his paintings. Which really makes you wonder why he doesn't make decent money that way instead of doing these paintings for the underground club, Compulsion. Of course, he is involved in other activities that may be hard to escape.

I will be reading the next book soon and I can't wait to see what happens. The very last sentence in Lead Me Not was so exciting and I'm optimistic that we will get to see more of the vulnerable Maxx that Aubrey fell in love with. It may seem a little intimidating, but give this book a shot, it may turn out to be something unexpected.

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4 Stars
Must Love Ghosts: Banshee Creek Book 1
Must Love Ghosts (Banshee Creek Book 1) - Ani Gonzalez
Must Love Ghosts (Banshee Creek Book 1)Must Love Ghosts by Ani Gonzalez
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Copyright Night Owl Reviews

I was three percent into this book when I knew I was going to really like it. With its talk of a 1967 Impala (nod to the Supernatural fangirl in me) and a Halloween party with enough attendees to get into the Guinness Book of World Records, I was hooked.

See my full review at:

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Dark Screams Vol. 5
Dark Screams: Volume FiveDark Screams: Volume Five by J. Kenner
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

ARC provided through Netgalley in exchange for a honest review.

Out of the five stories in this book, the only ones that appealed to me were the last two. I was really hoping for some good old fashioned scary stories, and I found what I was looking for the most in J. Kenner's The One and Only.

Imagine my surprise when I saw J. Kenner's name on the author list of those who contributed to this book. I have read her steamy romances before, but never anything having to do with the paranormal, and since her story was, by far, my favorite one...I'm thinking she ought to pen some more supernatural-related tales.

Kenner's story took place in one of my favorite cities for a book setting, New Orleans. There was some name dropping going on, as in Marie Laveau, the Voodoo queen. With a little bit of Bourbon Street and St. Louis cemetery, you have a wonderful short story just in time for Halloween.

I also liked Bentley Little's The Playhouse. I could just see this one being introduced by the Cryptkeeper on Tales from the Crypt. I was quite the speed reader when it came to this story because I was so fascinated by it. Until the end, that is. Oh, I was still fascinated, but he left the story on a major cliffhanger, and the bad part about it is, there is no continuation of the story so that the situation can be remedied! So thank you, Mr. Little, for trying to inspire some creativity by leaving me to use my imagination to finish the story, but I would have much rather seen it through your eyes!

Still, I would recommend this book, even if you only read the last two stories. However, just because the first three were not my cup of tea, doesn't mean they won't be yours. So, go ahead, give it a try!

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4 Stars
Until Friday Night --Abbi Glines
Until Friday Night (A Field Party) - Abbi Glines

His face....It was like God had taken all the perfect features for man and put them together just for this guy.


I do love these stories about Southern boys, and no one can write them like Abbi Glines. This one is not all fun and games though. Oh, it will make you laugh, no doubt about that, but it also brings out some of those tougher emotions.


It's a story about love and loss, about having a shoulder to cry on and forming a rare friendship.


West and Maggie are both dealing with things that no one could ever be prepared for. It's even harder at such a young age. Then, add in the feeling of being all alone in the sorrow and you get a real understanding of why they were drawn to one another.


West starts out talking to Maggie because he feels like he can't tell anyone else his secret. Maggie is silent, so she won't a word to anyone, which is exactly what West needs. He becomes dependent on her. He feels a protectiveness towards her.


Maggie went to live with her aunt and uncle with no intention of speaking. Then West comes along. He needs her. She gives him a gift no one else can: comfort. When she allows him to hear her voice, he's not the only one surprised. Her voice isn't the only thing she permits him to have, she's also starting to give him her heart.


...I couldn't help but wish we were something more. That West was mine. Because whether he realized it or not, I was his.


Everyone needs to read this heart-warming tale about finding someone who changes your entire existence. Recommended!

Horror Block August 2015

Just wanted to share the August Horror Block with you! Another good box in my opinion!



So this time I received:


1. A Beetlejuice shirt

2. A plush Jason Voorhees

3. A DVD/Blu-ray combo pack of Rise of the Zombies...haven't seen the movie but I love Danny Trejo!

4. An autographed print of the Grady Twins from The Shining (with COA)

5. Necronomicon notebook, just in time for the Evil Dead TV series airing next month, to go along with the five other shows I start watching in October. Whew, my DVR is gonna be smoking!

6. The latest edition of Rue Morgue magazine.

4 Stars
Heart of the Highlands: The Beast
The Heart of the Highlands: The Beast - April Holthaus

Copyright Night Owl Reviews


Heart of the Highlands: The Beast reminded me why I love historical romances and need to read more of them! This book will take you back in time, to the days of King Henry the VIII.


See my full review at:

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Challenge Participant 80% Professional Reader