For Those About to Read

For Those About to Read

I love books, obviously. I enjoy a variety of different genres. Ghost stories, romances, and everything in between!



Sugar Skulls Release Day
Sugar SkullsSugar Skulls by Lisa Mantchev
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Sugar Skulls is an interesting YA novel, to say the least. At first, it appears to be a dystopian story but that's not the case. Cyrene is a city in which you need to fill out an application to get in. If you are accepted, and you help the city collect energy, you are guaranteed a job on the outside once your time is complete.

This city has found a new way to generate electricity. No coal. No windmills. They take the Monsters Inc. approach, gathering energy through the use of thrum collectors. Vee, the lead singer of the Sugar Skulls, uses her voice to help accumulate energy from her followers. Sometimes it leads to a blackout which Vee learns to use to her advantage while discovering who she is.

My interest in this book was kind of like a heart monitor. The reading was going up and down with excitement at first and then, during all the 'applejack' abuse, it flatlines for a little while, but then picks back up. There was an unexpected appearance near the end and from that point on, I was completely focused on the book.

During Vee's rescue mission, I couldn't help but to think it was like some sort of sci-fi version of the Pied Piper. With Vee using her voice instead of a flute to lure her followers in the direction they needed to go. It was a rousing experience.

I just have to mention the fact that her cat's name was Little Dead Thing. Which is funny and quite fitting since she has a sugar skull persona on stage. I believe we need our own Sugar Skulls band! Recommended for fans of YA!

ARC provided through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

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Night Owl Reviews---Carter and Lovecraft
Carter & LovecraftCarter & Lovecraft by Jonathan L. Howard
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Copyright Night Owl Reviews

I chose Carter and Lovecraft because I was looking for something different. Well, I am glad to say that I found it! To me, this book had a Sleepy Hollow feel to it. The TV show, not the original story. Lovecraft is to Carter what Crane is to Mills. I felt their relationship was that close. It's not that they spent a lot of time getting to know each other, but they just seemed to fit perfectly together like finally completing a puzzle by putting the last piece into place.

To see my full review, please click this link:

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3 Stars
The Grownup by Gillian Flynn
The Grownup - Gillian Flynn

The Grownup is a short story from author Gillian Flynn who, once again, uses her skill for twists you didn't see coming. I was actually impressed with how much suspense she shoved into this book, which took me less than an hour to read. Not only does she add in a supernatural angle, but also introduces the reader to a few classic ghost stories.


One thing I wasn't much of a fan of was the ending. Only because I would've liked for it to more complete instead of leaving me guessing which scenario was true. With that being said, it was better than most of the short stories I've read recently. If you are a fan of Gillian Flynn's Gone Girl novel, or just want to grab a quick anticipatory read, you should definitely consider this one.


Feel free to click the links below to find out more:


More Info

About the Author


I received this book from Blogging For Books for this review.

Tough Enough (Tall, Dark, and Dangerous #2) by M. Leighton
Tough Enough (Tall, Dark, and Dangerous, #2)Tough Enough by M. Leighton
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Copyright Night Owl Reviews

Tough Enough is the second book in M. Leighton's Tall, Dark, and Dangerous series. It revolves around Keifer Rogan, a MMA fighter who is popular for both his good looks and his right hooks. He is intrigued by Katie Rylan, a make-up artist who tries to be invisible when it comes to the outside world.

As always, M. Leighton skillfully produces a story with complicated characters and dark pasts. This book starts out as more of a contemporary romance, but the last few chapters turn into romantic suspense when Rogan meets up with his old Special Forces buddies. Even though the person they were looking for in the first book is revealed in this one, I was hoping there would be more updates on the search throughout the first part of the book. I suppose that was more Jax's responsibility, however, after the death of his mother in the previous one.

To see my full review, please click the link below:

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3.5 Stars
The Hollow by AnnMarie Martin
The Hollow - AnnMarie Martin

The Hollow was certainly not what I expected it to be. The phrase 'A new legend of Sleepy Hollow' is found on the front cover, so of course I was thinking Headless Horseman. Which he does make an appearance, but not in the way I was hoping.


The writing style took a little getting used to, and the book didn't really pick up for me until after the Halloween pumpkin blaze, but I did enjoy the small but effective supernatural aspect.


There were a lot of other things happening with this book. Topics involving politics and bigotry, secret gatherings of brainwashed cultists, and a paranormal act of revenge. It all made for an inviting read.


A clever mystery! Recommended!


I won this book through a Goodreads giveaway

Accelerate by Tracy Wolff Review
Accelerate (Hotwired, #1)Accelerate by Tracy Wolff
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh wow! This book will get your blood pumping just liked a NOS-filled ride in a souped-up car!

Jordan attends a drag race looking for a guy named Raul. She was told he could fix the interior of the car she just bought at a police auction. Raul seems to be interested in more than just repairing her car's seats, though. His attempts are futile because someone else has already caught Jordan's eye. His name is Nic Medina. The dreadlocked bad boy noticed her as well, but thought she was Raul's girl and tried to get her off his mind. The distraction he needed came in the form of a call from his sister that informs him about a cop, who was looking for Nic, that came to their house and threatened to call CPS which would result in her son, Nic's nephew, being taken away. Nic immediately leaves the track because family is his number one priority. They won't be held responsible for anything he had done in the past, he won't allow it.

My first thought when seeing the cover was that he looks like he needs to be licked. Which is exactly what Jordan thinks a few times during the story. I instantly thought, while reading the first chapter, that it had a very Fast N' Furious vibe to it. Who doesn't like a cool car?

I think every romance lover will find something they like about Accelerate. If cars don't appeal to you, then maybe the bad boys with tattoos and piercings will grab your attention or the romance that unexpectedly happens so fast, the characters barely have time to catch their breath. With broken pasts and hopeful futures, Tracy Wolff delivers a set of characters that will have you wishing you were in their presence. I loved every millisecond of reading this book! I cannot wait to dive back into this world! And yes, there will be a sequel. There's no way she can leave us hanging like that. Hopefully it will be Peyton and Chris' turn next! Highly recommended!

ARC provided through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Fall into Bliss November 2nd-7th
Bliss has a new look and to celebrate we are having a huge sale plus an amazing week full of Blissful events. Join us and fill your e-reader with these fun and flirty romances for just $.99 each!
Join us for a fun line up of events where you can chat with Bliss authors and other readers, kick back with an #EPMovieNight and more. See the list of events below here:
11/2 to 11/6 - Join Bliss authors for tips on avoiding the Black Friday madness, holiday recipes and more over at Entangled in Romance.
11/2 to 11/6 - Bliss author Facebook page takeover. Each day a different Bliss author will be taking over the Bliss Books Fan page. Ask those questions you’ve been dying to ask an author, chat with the group and get peeks inside to find your next fun and flirty romantic read.
Tuesday, 11/3 at 8pm ET - Kick back, relax, and join Entangled for an #EPMovieNight. Follow @entangledpub and the #EPMovieNight hashtag and chat with us as we watch The Wedding Singer together. It’s available for streaming on Netflix. We will also be giving away several prizes throughout the movie to lucky chat participants!
Thursday, 11/5 from 8pm to 10pm ET - Fall into Bliss Facebook party. Join Bliss authors, readers and the Bliss team for a night of fun, treats and giveaways.

We hope you can join us for one or more of the events!

Check out all the Bliss books on sale here.


And there's a rafflecopter giveaway!! Be sure to enter by clicking on the link below!



Sinister Urge: The Life and Times of Rob Zombie
Sinister Urge: The Life and Times of Rob Zombie - Joel McIver

Sinister Urge: The Life and Times of Rob ZombieSinister Urge: The Life and Times of Rob Zombie by Joel McIver
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

If you're looking forward to reading this book because you think it will give you some personal stories and more information about Rob Zombie himself, like I did, then you may want to think again. I was very disappointed when I realized that's not what this book was about. Even though the author tells us from the beginning that Sinister Urge is a look at Rob Zombie's career, I was still hoping for it to be a little more intimate. The information is based on things any fan of Zombie's will already know. So, I guess if you don't know much about his career, this book would be a good place to start.

The author did an excellent job of gathering up all this information, however, and of course he cites it all at the end. He also gives us a brief history of Nu-metal and he breaks down every CD and critiques every song. I think my favorite part of the book was the section on House of 1000 Corpses and Devil's Rejects. The author and I had very differing opinions when it came to Zombie's Halloween remakes. I liked the first one, but despised his Halloween II.

This book will tell you everything you need to know about Rob Zombie's career, including his time in White Zombie and the other bands he has toured with or worked with in any way. It is very instructive as far as that goes. I need to mention one thing that really got on my nerves, though, was the author didn't have much hope in the reader completing the book. I know I read the phrase "if you made it this far..." (or something along those lines) at least three times.

Still, it wasn't a complete waste of time, it was like reminiscing for me. I became a fan of Rob Zombie in my later teen years, and it was nice to go back and relive that time in my life.

ARC provided through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

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My daughter's Halloween read

For Halloween this year, I bought my daughter The Worst Witch to read. We got in the mail yesterday and she read the first chapter last night.




This has turned into family reading time because she knows both me and her dad like the '80s movie based on these books with Fairuza Balk as Mildred Hubble. She wants to watch the movie after she finishes the book. See? I'm raising her right.


    An interesting fact I recently learned was that J.K. Rowling received some backlash because of speculation concerning her Harry Potter books. Many people felt that Harry Potter was a rip-off of The Worst Witch. I have never read the Harry Potter books (although they have been recommended to me many times and I do plan on reading them eventually) but I can see some similarities from bits and pieces of the movies I have seen. However, I don't think J.K. Rowling directly copied The Worst Witch but, of course, I would have to read both sets of books to make that comparison.


Happy Halloween Reading!





Seize the Night Anthology Halloweek Read


Halloweek Reading to SEIZE THE NIGHT!



Enjoying a great treat is not just for kids on Halloween. Indulge yourself this week and read SEIZE THE NIGHT: NEW TALES OF VAMPIRIC TERROR, the new “stellar anthology of tales” (Publishers Weekly Starred Review), sure to quench your thirst for a Horrific Halloween read! Conjuring reactions such as “Going back to the heydays of Bram Stoker’s Dracula and Stephen King’s Salem’s Lot” and “For anyone who likes tales of the creepy sort like Stephen King’s short stories in Everything’s Eventual or Nightmares & Dreamscapes,” how can one resist?



Edited by Christopher Golden

Gallery Books

October 6, 2015

ISBN: 9781476783093

Trade Paperback




Once upon a time, vampires were figures of terror…and they can be again. Legends of these dark creatures sprang from every corner of the world and infinite variations throughout history—with even more of them waiting in the farthest corners of the imagination. SEIZE THE NIGHT takes hold of a popular culture environment where the vampire has largely lost its ability to inspire fear, and now brings out the dread, showcasing twenty all-new tales of horrifying evil from an extraordinary lineup of twenty contributors:


John Ajvide Lindqvist

Kelley Armstrong

Laird Barron

Gary A. Braunbeck

Dana Cameron

Dan Chaon and Lynda Barry

Charlaine Harris

Brian Keene

Sherrilyn Kenyon

Michael Koryta

John Langan

Tim Lebbon

Seanan McGuire

Joe McKinney

Leigh Perry

Robert Shearman

Scott Smith

Lucy A. Snyder

David Wellington

Rio Youers


The dusk is upon you, and your fright-filled journey to the shadows of the hereafter is about to begin with SEIZE THE NIGHT—old-school vampire fiction at its finest.


“The notion of the romantic vampire is transcended to chilling and even heartbreaking effect in this stellar anthology of tales…These stories move smoothly from the subtle to the horrifying…”

—Publishers Weekly Starred Review Description: Description: Description: Description: 120px-Black_star


“Twenty stories of varying lengths offer quick bites of otherworldly entertainment. Edited by Christopher Golden, this collection takes vampire fiction back to its bloody, frightful roots. Readers looking for old-school horror laden with darkness will appreciate these diverse stories from some of the best writers in the genre…all are entertaining…With new spins on classic traditions and inventive, unexpected twists, it’s the perfect spooky read for Halloween — or any night that calls for a touch of terror.”

—RT Book Reviews


“The twenty-one authors collected in this volume have…succeeded in returning vampires and their ilk back into our nightmares where they belong…each tale delivered the goods. And by goods, I mean terror…These are not your Count Dracula vampire stories, but thankfully they’re not of the friendly variety either. What they all have in common is that each and every story is a cut above the ordinary. My highest recommendation.”

—Cemetery Dance


“Seize the Night: New Tales of Vampiric Terror is a highly successful anthology, one that puts vampires back into the shadowy, hidden corners where they belong and makes them creepy, chilling, at times downright frightening…we’re getting back to the old-school roots of vampiric lore, going back to the heydays of Bram Stoker’s Dracula and Stephen King’s Salem’s Lot…this is a vital return to form for these stoic, and historic, universal baddies…Seize the Night has the singular aim of making vampires terrifying again, and it heartily succeeds in its mission. Golden and the contributors deserve a fair amount of applause for their work here, and this anthology is a wonderful reminder of what made vampires such a popular horror staple, and why they continue to endure across the ages.”

—Michael Patrick Hicks


“Anthologies have always been one of my favorite things. A chance to read old favorite authors and a chance to also find some new favorites as well, all based on some short stories. Which is, of course, why I chose to read Seize the Night – New Tales of Vampiric Terror… Seize The Night –New Tales of Vampiric Terror is slated to be released on October 6, 2015. Be sure to get your copy before they disappear! Anyone who likes tales of the creepy sort like Stephen King’s short stories in Everything’s Eventual or Nightmares & Dreamscapes should check out Seize the Night.”

—The Goth Girl Reads


“…a diverse and high quality collection of new stories from some great names within the horror and paranormal sub-genres…Quite simply, if you are a fan of vampires, do not miss this one. 4 Throbbing Carotid Arteries for Seize The Night.”

—Horror After Dark


“Sink your teeth into this collection with caution, it'll bite back.”

—Hardboiled Wonderland


“I would really recommend this wonderful book to anyone who wants to read a vampire anthology that harks back to the heyday of quality horror fiction.”

—Book Nutter’s Reviews


“I thoroughly enjoyed reading Seize The Night…well-written with plenty of frights to keep any horror fan awake at night.”

—Coffee Addicted Writer


“I really prefer my vampires evil, so this anthology was just what I was looking for. It opens with a novelette by Scott Smith, and that one story is worth the price of the book. The victims are suitably disgusting and deserve their fate, which is rapid and brutal. Michael Koryta suggests a rather different cause for vampirism. Charlaine Harris has a very nice story about an energy vampire rather than a blood drinking one. Kelley Armstrong suggests there is a genetic marker for vampirism. Tim Lebbon takes us back to a particularly brutal period of history for his story. John Langan presents a time traveling vampire that can duplicate bodies to ensure it has a steady source of prey…well above average.”

—Don A’mmassa On Horror


“…Brings out the dead and dread, showcasing 20 all-new tales of horrifying evil from a coffin full of different writers who dabble in the undead from various angles, from horrific to heart-wrenching, romantic to rough. We especially feasted on Rio Youers’ “Separator”, set in a typhoon-devastated Philippines where a land developer gets a brutal taste of local legend. Ouch!”

— – A Tricky Treat for Fright Night


“I honestly had nightmares reading this anthology, which is a first for me, and found the writing samples to be strong and powerful tales that twisted an already frightening lore. I definitely recommended reading Seize The Night as a Halloween novel. This book will appeal to readers who enjoy horror, frightening tales, anthologies and short stories, gruesome and violent vampires. I would wholeheartedly recommend reading Seize The Night if you are a horror fan or a supporter of real, gritty vampire novels without the romanticism and moral questions.”

—Silk & Serif


“Now, from some of the biggest names in horror and dark fiction, comes this collection of short stories that make vampires frightening once again.”



About the Editor

Christopher Golden is the #1 New York Times bestselling and Bram Stoker Award-winning author of such novels as Snowblind, Tin Men, Of Saints and Shadows, and The Boys Are Back in Town. His novel with Mike Mignola, Baltimore; or, the Steadfast Tin Soldier and the Vampire, was the launching pad for the Eisner Award-nominated comic book series Baltimore. As an editor, he has compiled the short story anthologies The New Dead, The Monster’s Corner, and Dark Duets, among others, and has also written and co-written numerous comic books, video games, and screenplays. Golden was born and raised in Massachusetts, where he still lives with his family. His original novels have been published in more than fourteen languages in countries around the world. Please visit him at








KINDLE (ebook)

NOOK (ebook)



Link to my review of Seize the Night:

3.5 Stars
Christmas Yet to Come by Marian Perera
Christmas Yet To Come (The Ghosts of Christmas) - Marian Perera

Copyright Night Owl Reviews


The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come of A Christmas Carol fame is stepping into the spotlight with her very own short story. Yes, it's a quick read, but it's also very solid. I never felt as if there were more to the story, which is sometimes the case when reading ones like this.


The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come is fed up with giving people scary visions of their future if they decide to keep to the path they are on. Because of her rebelliousness, she is sent into the real world as a human, wearing nothing but her shroud, and landing in the snow in front of Justin Welland's estate. It doesn't take her long to figure out she still has a job to do, however, she kind of likes this new human body and she's ready for her second chance at life.


To see my full review, please click the link below:


Childhood Reads


 In my middle school years, I was a volunteer at the public library in town. I would get off the bus at the library and stay for a few hours, normally returning home with 3 or 4 books to read for the next couple of weeks. The Baby-Sitters Club was one of my reading staples at that time. I moved on from them to the Sweet Valley Twins and Sweet Valley High books and then on to Nancy Drew. I even read a few Hardy Boys books.



Because of the sometimes spookiness of the Nancy Drew stories, I found myself looking through the 'Ghosts' section of the library while placing books back on the shelf that had just been returned. I, then, picked up the very book that really got me into reading more and more ghost stories. It was titled The Haunted By Robert Curran. It was a true story and it scared the living daylights out of me as an eleven-or twelve-year-old girl. I loved it! 




While looking through the book section at Walmart the other day, I noticed The Baby-Sitters Club have new covers. I am both excited and saddened by that. Excited because a whole new generation will get to experience those books (I am hoping to get my eight-year-old daughter started on them and Nancy Drew) and saddened because I like the original covers better. Of course, I am biased. They are a form of nostalgia for me.






I just wanted to share with you some of the books I loved as a kid. I don't have a lot of time to do posts other than my reviews (and I need to work on that!) but I thought this would be a good start. Once a reader, always a reader!










2.5 Stars
Rolling in the Deep
Rolling in the Deep - Rebecca Rogers Maher

ARC provided through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

2.5 Stars


Who hasn't dreamed of just buying one ticket and winning the lottery? For those of us not in the millionaire's club, it's normal to think about what we would do if we won.


Ray and Holly are co-workers at Corman's, a one-stop superstore. Ray convinces Holly to give him a dollar to which he will add another dollar and buy a Powerball ticket. If they win anything, they will split it evenly. Holly doesn't put too much stock into it until she sits down to watch the lottery announcement because she promised Ray she would. All the numbers matched. She immediately runs to the bathroom and throws up. Instantaneously becoming a multi-millionaire was apparently too much to handle.


Going in to the story, everything feels more relaxed, but after they win, they struggle with not deserving the money and trying to overcome their pasts. As someone who really got into the whole New Adult theme, I thought I would enjoy this book more than I did. In the beginning the characters were more themselves, even if they were living paycheck to paycheck. It seems as if they lost that realness after the win, even before they received the money.


I couldn't understand why Holly was still allowing her ex to control her life after being divorced for five years. It would have been different if she was actually still in love with him, but she's not and she left him because of his actions. It just didn't seem very realistic for a mother to allow her son to be taken without a fight. That whole situation just irked me.


It doesn't take long to read this story, so if you think it's something that you would like, and you always have to find out for yourself, then go ahead and give it a shot.

Follow Me Back --Night Owl Reviews
Follow Me Back (Twisted Love, #2)Follow Me Back by A. Meredith Walters
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Copyright Night Owl Reviews

Maxx and Aubrey's challenging love story continues in the second book of the Twisted Love series. The author provides enough information so that this book could be read as a standalone. However, I would suggest reading the series in order to get a better understanding of the relationship between the two main characters.

To see my full review, please click the link below:

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Falling for Her Enemy Still Harbor #2
Falling for Her EnemyFalling for Her Enemy by Victoria James
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Falling For Her Enemy is the second book in the Still Harbor series. I haven't read the first book, but it didn't affect this one because they were written as standalones. This book was certainly Made-for-TV Christmas movie material. It's an endearing story about a mother trying to keep her adoptive daughter, Cassy. The man who thinks he is Cassy's biological father, wants a paternity test. Neither Alex (the adoptive mother) or Hayden (the possible biological father) expected to start having feelings for the other.

This story will satisfy your sweet tooth and get you ready to be festive just in time for the holidays. Cassy is lovable and intelligent. She has that innocence that all children are born with and she also plays matchmaker without even knowing it.

I would like to know what happened with the situation involving the woman claiming to have had Hayden's child though. Nothing was said about her at the end and she was holding it over Hayden's head hoping to cash in. Hopefully they will continue on with that part of the story in the next book. I know one is coming about Cara and I want to read it, the basis of the story seems interesting. I bet it is the Jack that she knows.

This book releases on November 9th, it would be a good one to pick up for Christmas.

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Andy and Don: The Making of a Friendship and a Classic American Review
Andy and Don: The Making of a Friendship and a Classic AmericanAndy and Don: The Making of a Friendship and a Classic American by Daniel de Visé
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I grew up watching The Andy Griffith Show with my parents and I still watch it to this day. Something has to be said for a TV show that has never been off the air since its premiere. I believe the fascination is based on the down-home feel, those simpler days, and of course the comedic timing of Andy Griffith and Don Knotts.

If you have read any of my reviews before, you know that I like it when the book I am reading mentions a place I have been before or my home state of West Virginia. This book has both of those aspects. Don Knotts is from Morgantown, West Virginia and I have been to Mt. Airy, North Carolina a couple of times. I was there just this summer, taking my parents to the Andy Griffith Museum and to do the squad car tour. I highly recommend taking part in those and going downtown to see all the Andy Griffith related shops, if you're in the vicinity of Mt. Airy. Also, a little fact I didn't know before reading this book, Don's father was sent to the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum in Weston, WV, which I also visited this past summer.

Biographies give us the stories of the people behind the image that is portrayed on screen, or on stage. We sort of place them up on a pedestal and admire the character they play, but when you start to read about their real life, who they really were, sometimes it bursts the perfect bubble we placed around them. This book is no different. So if you want to keep you're fabricated ideas of who Andy Griffith and Don Knotts were based on their characters, you probably shouldn't read this book.

My favorite part of this book was the stories of their childhoods. There were a lot of similarities, even though they didn't know each other then. It was almost as if they were destined to become friends when they took the stage together in No Time for Sergeants. They worked well together because of their chemistry off camera. Their friendship would last a lifetime.

The book started to taper off a little when the only thing being discussed were the movie and stage appearances they were making. Although I did learn of a couple of titles I had never heard before. I also learned a few new things such as Andy could hold a grudge like nobody's business and Don took Barney's last name from Fife St. in Morgantown.

I have to commend the author for his thorough research and interviews, citing every piece of information at the end of the book. Andy and Don has served its purpose. It's informative. It made me laugh and caused me to tear up. Most of all, it shows us that although no one is perfect, you can have a friendship that's close to it.

I greatly recommend this book to fans of the show!

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