My rating: 3 of 5 stars
ARC provided through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review
The premise for Touching Fate was what drew me in. It was different and had the foundation of a good story. It took a while for me to get into this book and I'm sorry to say I was never fully taken by it. However, I didn't feel as if it were a waste of time, there was an even balance of pros and cons.
There were a few really good scenes, but I think the writing style was probably the culprit...the reason I didn't absolutely love this book. The idea of the fate changer was awesome. I liked the way they incorporated the tarot cards into the story.
Reese, Jan, and Lars were from Holland, but I never thought of them that way. Henri was the only one from England but I kept thinking the others were too because they used a lot of British phrases. Of course maybe the Dutch do talk that way when speaking in English. I was just never convinced of their heritage.
I also felt that Reese's birthday scene was a little too elaborate. I'm not talking about the party itself, but the whole scheme involving Aster. I'm pretty sure she could have just told him what she discovered and he would have agreed instantly. The problem is that I was looking at things too logically.
My favorite part, though, was when Reese wrote Aster a farewell letter. It was a very old-fashioned, yet romantic gesture. It proved that although he got close to Aster because of his curse, she had took him by surprise and he had developed real feelings for her.
Take a page from my book and don't over think things too much if you decide to read this. It is different and I would recommend it, especially to the target audience and fans of YA.
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